Divine healing requires the heart of a warrior.

What is Quantum Healing and Coaching?

Quantum healing and coaching helps you discover your truth, power, and inner authority. You and I co-create your healing journey. You are unique and multifaceted, and your healing should reflect that while helping you become who you were always destined to be and not someone else’s version of you. Your biggest breakthroughs come when you realize and see the truth for yourself. Sometimes, the answers lie in your past; other times, the answers are locked in your subconscious mind.  Quantum Healing and Coaching takes you through it all to discover your truth.


Why Choose Quantum Healing and Coaching?

The world is complex and terrifying at the moment. Evil global elitists are trying to mass murder a large portion of the world population. They also want to take any remaining sovereignty away. Daily, they promote hate, violence, and separation. This is the reality they want you to create, but when you do the deep quantum healing work, you will remember your divine truth and stop them from destroying what’s left of the world.

These global elites want you to believe you are incapable of changing their path. They know that if they can keep you powerless and filled with fear, they can harness your magnetic power to create their desires.

But I’m here to tell you that you are more powerful than you can imagine. Everything from your past has prepared you to remember your Divine Origin and connect fully to the true creator of all that was, is, and will ever be. You can redefine the future and stop the global elites through quantum healing and coaching. Your choice to heal creates space for others to heal; once enough people heal, balance will be restored.



I don’t believe your healing should be cookie-cutter or rushed. You are a multidimensional being who needs the time to access all layers of your wounds and feelings to get to the truth. Therefore, your healing shouldn’t be rushed, and it shouldn’t be a cookie-cutter process. To move forward into a future you desire, you have to unlock the trauma from your past, which includes this lifetime, generational trauma, such as poverty, disease, divorce, etc., and your past lives. As you unlock the past, your future opens up to new possibilities that you get to choose.

Megan Crouch
Megan Crouch: Quantum Healer and Coach

What to Expect in a Session

Quantum Freedom

Imagine your life free from procrastination, poverty, dead-end jobs, irrational fears, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, failed relationships — you name it. You know you have a big mission to accomplish in the world — whether it’s helping others, repairing the energetic grids on this planet, or creating new systems. Once you clear the energy from your past, you can unlock the keys to your mission and produce it in your current reality. The global elites don’t want you to fulfill your purpose, but my mission is to help ensure you do.

Whether you purchase one session or ten, we’ll determine where you are today and where you want to be in the future to devise a plan for your healing. If something is happening in your immediate life, coaching might be the tool to help you find clarity and the action steps to move forward. If you’re beating yourself up over a repeating pattern in your life, we might use a combination of Human Design or Gene Keys with a process that takes you into your past to clear the energy at the root, or we may go directly to the past life clearing. Maybe you’re trying to birth a new project or tap into your creative expression without success; we can do some deep womb healing to remove the dead seeds of your past. Does your energy feel off, and you can’t explain why — maybe things keep going slightly wrong, you’re spilling lots of water, or you keep getting hurt? I would do Quantum Field work to clear the implants, dark magic, curses, and dark energy from your fields. If you’re struggling to access your truth or mission, I’ll take you through a quantum trance meditation to help you access the knowledge within you. And if you don’t know exactly what you need or want, I’ll use energetic muscle testing to determine your session’s priority.


Once your past is cleared, you can rebirth yourself into the energetic signature of your future self, make quantum leaps into your future to bring it into the present, and then we can anchor a vision for your future that you’ll hold until it becomes your reality.

Each session creates the space for you to choose differently and to respond from love instead of internal pain and conflict. You get to pause and ask yourself what you want in that moment and with that person or situation. You may have days where you still react, but we all do. But the difference is that you recognize the pattern faster and can see where else you need to heal. Maybe you need a healing or coaching session around that person or situation to help you let go and clear the energy. One of my most significant a-ha moments during my healing journey was realizing that I was being reactive when I thought I was responding. Being reactive at the time helped me stay in my victimhood instead of healing my relationship or allowing it to end.

The sky’s the limit with quantum healing and coaching. You could have five quantum past life clearings, and each session would be completely different, and each would unlock another piece of the puzzle. Quantum Healing and Coaching is simple, like quantum physics. It can help you with many areas of your life if you’re open to exploring and healing your multidimensional timelines.

Let's Get Started

Quantum healing and coaching helps you discover your truth, power, and inner authority.  Each session is two hours, which gives us time to dive deep with a pattern or explore things from a couple of different angles.  

Purchase Now

One Session

You’ve been doing healing work for years, but that one lingering pattern remains. Or you may want someone to help you process an experience. One session may be all you need to create a quantum shift.

Price: $333

Package of Five Sessions

You have a clear image of your future self and need help moving from where you are now to the person in your vision. You’ll clear the energy from your past and anchor in new activated energetic signatures that match the vibration of your future, magnetizing it to you.

Price:  $1500

Package of Ten Sessions

You know you have a big mission, but you need help to figure it out and find your way forward. You’ll clear patterns that sabotage your path to a new future and create a clear vision and path to your future.

Price:  $2600

If you want to focus on your relationship wounds from childhood, check out Embracing Your Wholeness.

Copyright © 2023 by Megan Crouch, Apex, NC. All Rights Reserved.