Wisdom with a divine purpose requires the heart of a warrior.


Megan Crouch

I grew up in an atheist family — although we went to some after-school Bible study classes, my parents never took us to church.  However, part of me knew there was something more significant than just the mythology my father believed.  The beautiful thing about growing up this way is that it gave me the freedom to explore all kinds of information related to this innate truth that I felt deep within my soul.  Although I wasn’t a great reader, I would research topics such as Deuteronomy because I heard it held truth if you could decipher the numerology hidden within it.  I loved mythology and astrology.  I even went to church with friends, searching for answers, but I only found deception and control there.

I went to college to become a writer and got a job as a technical writer.  I’ve worked in corporate for 25 years, including in leadership positions.  I never thought I would be in a leadership position, but when I followed a passion of mine to go to massage school, a therapist I had some sessions with said that she didn’t see me as a massage therapist but as a leader.  At first, I was upset, but as I started studying business, it opened up a world of possibilities around leadership.  When I had my first opportunity to become a corporate leader, I started implementing what I was learning.  I changed how we worked together and built a team based on collaboration, trust, learning, and fun.  I encouraged my team to pursue their dream work and found ways to help them gain experience.

During college, I also got into the martial art of kung fu and t’ai chi.  I loved the physical and mental challenges.  I learned how to hold authority with my body and voice, as I was usually the highest-ranking woman at our school and had to teach men who were larger and stronger than me.  During this time, I was in fantastic shape, but I was also going down a path I was not meant to travel.  Shortly after I got my black belt, I started getting sick and went through a dark night of the soul for many months before people openly talked about these experiences.  It took me three and a half years to heal from the ailment and over ten years to heal the psychological damage it caused — the trauma of feeling broken.

But that very feeling of brokenness started my path as a healer.  I started first by going to massage school and then learned to become an Akashic Records reader.  The existing Akashic prayer never worked for me, so I started reading all I could to find something that felt right.  Then I learned Access Consciousness Bars, which finally helped me get out of my head and opened my inner vision.  After that, I found Quantum Healing, and so much finally clicked for me.  And after that, I started learning about trance meditations and Human Design.  And through my leadership training at work, I studied coaching.  These are all the tools that I use to help my clients make sense of their past, find practical solutions, and create a new future path for themselves. 

That is what I offer here — healing, coaching, practical but spiritual knowledge, and a vision for future leaders.  These leaders are you and I.  We are here to choose a new future and lead the way for others to journey.  It starts with deep healing and remembering our sacred truth.  May this truth set you free.

Copyright © 2023 by Megan Crouch, Apex, NC. All Rights Reserved.