I love the foundations of business — the creative juice of bringing something meaningful to life. It lights me up and makes me appreciate all the struggles I went through, including all the good and bad advice.
Spiritual Business
From my spiritual life and business coaching, healing, and leadership perspective, your journey should be unique to you. Having a guidebook and information on what has made other people successful is great, BUT too often, supposed experts want to turn you into mini versions of themselves. Stick to their script, and you’ll have success. But as a highly intuitive coach and healer, I felt cut off from myself, and more often than not, my clients would deviate from the script because that’s where their healing needed to take them. My strength is following my clients into whatever depth they need to go to assist and guide them through it.

As a spiritual healer, creative, artist, and business owner, you get to create a structure and frame that supports you. And as you add to your business, keep returning to reinforce the foundations. Maybe you need to change out the flooring or give it a new paint job — perhaps you even need to create a new door or window to allow more flow and freedom in your business. If you start with a good foundation, you’ll always have a good structure, frame, and solid foundation.
Your Spiritual Business
As you move through the foundations, feel into all the available options. Decide what is correct for you now, create a list of things you want to expand into, and scrap the stuff you know isn’t right for you. And then, every year, return to your foundations to make any adjustments. In martial arts training, you didn’t stop practicing the techniques you learned as a white belt; you continued to refine them and embody them as you moved up in belt rank, and then you began to teach them and refine your understanding with each student you taught.
I love the spiritual healing and coaching work I do as much as I love the foundations of business. My martial arts training and 25 years of technical writing experience help me to take complex concepts and break them down into easy-to-understand and implementable instructions. For example, I recently had a client where we integrated a soul fragment back into her light body. The next day, she asked me to explain what a soul fragment was and why it was essential to integrate it. I shared the idea of our soul fragments being puzzle pieces with her. If you’re only missing a few, you still have a clear view of the picture, but as you retrieve these pieces, you gain more clarity on the complete image.
As a spiritual healer, coach, and leader, I promise to help you find your business and healing path. Be uniquely you and fucking proud of who you are.