Wise Warrior

The Rise of the Wise Warrior

The Wise Warrior is primed to rise into their full glory. The Wise Warrior leads with honor and heart-focused clarity. They have looked fear in the eyes and found the wounded inner child that needs love and safety, or they took their sword swiftly to the enemy.

Mourn the Past

As the world continues to shift in the aftermath of the past two years, we haven’t given ourselves space to mourn. And we haven’t even grieved anything that happened to us over the past thousand years.  

Mourn the past to release the deep sadness and fear.

People and lower beings thrive and feed on the effects of war, violence, greed, and fear. They graze on our compliance with their deep-seated hatred and violence. Before Jesus walked this planet, these beings tortured, raped, and killed our strong feminine and masculine leaders that birthed this planet into reality. As they plundered our heroes, we were left vulnerable and weakened. We accepted terms, contracts, and covenants with fake gods who wanted us to be their slaves.

When we watch superhero movies and shows, we are moved by them because it taps into a deep remembrance of our past. These memories are within us. Hidden within the meek are the remnants of who we once were. We need to mourn what we lost to remember who we are. Once we tap into our potential, we can start to say NO. NO to fake gods and agendas set to destroy us. NO to the people who wish to wipe out our history. NO to the criminals who senselessly gun down the husbands/wives/mothers/fathers/brothers/sisters in law enforcement and all the people caught in the crossfire of absolute hatred.

We must allow ourselves to feel the depth of these emotions to process them.

Are You a Spiritual Leader?

We don’t need the false superheroes anymore because we are those heroes, or we at least hold that potential within us. I am using “WE” instead of speaking to the individual “YOU” because, like it or not, you and I are part of the collective split into a million different pieces. The more we combine our energies into what we can accomplish together, the more the individual taps into the remembrance of the superpower granted to us within our original birth.

Wise Warrior Spiritual Leaders

We are billions of years old, having existed on countless planets and dimensions. Yet, each of us is an atom of the original singularity — the one true Living God. We are nothing less than this divine, unifying energy and power.

Don’t let anyone tell you who you are or should be. Instead, listen to what calls to your heart; within that calling is a hero, wise warrior, and healer. It doesn’t matter if your calling is to be the best parent, artist, doctor, lawyer, dancer, entrepreneur, computer programmer, etc. Following your heart’s calling makes you a hero, wise warrior, and healer. To be the best at all these professions means going beyond societal norms, conditioning, and wounds. It means learning to love yourself and the collective. When we act and create from the heart, we manifest potent tools for growth, healing, love, and the ability to unlock the deep mysteries of the world.

When we do everything from our hearts together, we will heal the sickness of hatred, war, and poverty.

— Megan Crouch

Every spiritual leader deserves to create a successful and fulfilling business that financially sustains them and their clients.

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Wise Warrior

The Rise of the Wise Warrior

The Wise Warrior is primed to rise into their full glory. The Wise Warrior leads with honor and heart-focused clarity. They have looked fear in the eyes and found the wounded inner child that needs love and safety, or they took their sword swiftly to the enemy.

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