Heal and Transform
There are many wounds and projections within and around the coaching and healing professions. Unfortunately, these issues are skewing people’s perceptions and causing dissonance, and we need to go through this process right now to heal, transform, and transcend.
Many coaches were trained in toxic manipulations to get sales at all costs. They barrel over the needs and concerns of the potential clients instead of developing relationships and allowing divine timing and soul clients. It’s a numbers game instead of a heart-centered approach to business. These coaches may be operating from deep father wounds trying to win the approval of their teachers and coaches, or they may have severe poverty wounds that cause them to worship money over integrity.
Many clients who were wounded enough to fall for these toxic coaches are now projecting onto others that you can do it yourself. You can heal on your own and learn all that you want on your own. There is some truth to those statements. I agree that we need to work on healing ourselves instead of expecting someone else to do it for us. And when necessary, then receive healing from others when we need that outside perspective to see what we can’t. However, the difference with trying to do everything yourself is that it can take twice as long to get where you want to go and unforeseen errors. And the belief that you have to do everything by yourself is a wound, and from my experience with that wound, it is fucking exhausting.

So, where do we go from here as clients and coaches or healers? We do need each other, but not from the energy of our wounds. We need each other from the source of our potential.
The Future Requires Healing
First, as coaches and healers, let go of the toxic approaches to business and heal your wounds. Work with healers and coaches who create powerful shifts in your life. Practice what you preach to your clients. Develop genuine connections with people and have valuable pieces of material that you can offer for free that will create a shift in someone’s life or business. As the people receiving this free information, implement the suggestions. These relationships work both ways. This free material will help those starting or struggling financially while also helping them achieve success to move into your next level package. Remember, we all started at the beginning of our careers and lives, so assist people where you can. Building trust and connection will open more doors than riding the wave of the numbers game.
As clients, figure out what you want out of healing. Are you at the point in your process where you need someone to clear the energetic gook from your fields so you can start your healing journey? Or have you been healing for a while and hit a block? Are you a healer looking for that piece to take your existing skills to a new level? Do you want someone to help you see something from a different perspective? Are you looking for someone to follow and provide you with the answers? Do you want someone to help you see things for yourself? Do you need a coach to help you with a specific part of your life? These are some of the things that you need to understand about yourself before you find a healer or coach. No healer, coach, or mentor is perfect or without baggage and trauma from their past. And honestly, the most any healer, coach, or mentor can do is help you access parts of yourself. Even if they teach you their codes or modalities, you can express those codes through your unique signature.
Empower Yourself
I’ve worked with amazing healers, coaches, and mentors, and I’ve also worked with those who placed themselves above me, wanting to control and manipulate me. On the other hand, I’ve worked with some people long enough to witness their healing and leveling up. We are all learning how to heal and remember who we are. Don’t allow people to manipulate you into making decisions about your money or healing. If you feel that energy from someone, walk away. The industry will only change once we change and stop allowing destructive behaviors from others and ourselves.

Don’t allow strangers who have made bad decisions tell you to do it all by yourself because that is also trauma-based thinking. And at the same time, don’t give your power to anyone. It doesn’t matter if a healer or coach charges $50 for their service or $10,000+. Choose the person at the level where you want to go next in your life. Stretch, but don’t overextend. Trust your authority above everyone else. If your intuition gives you pause about someone, listen and find someone else. When you trust yourself, you empower yourself.
— Megan Crouch
One Response
Wow, this is amazing. I really long to see more posts like this in the spiritual communities. Thank you for raising awareness on this subject!